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What Does Worship Mean to You?


what-worship-really-meansWhen you hear the word “worship”, what immediately comes to mind? Do you think of Sunday morning music? How about big conferences with popular bands, preaching, and alter calls.


We need to redefine what we think of worship and avoid limiting it to Sundays or big events.


Worshiping God is something we can do all day, everyday, anywhere. How amazing is that? The Hebrew word for worship is shachah, which means something close to “bow down”. To worship is to surrender to God or to bow down, to be in reverence of God in the day-to-day and to be in communication with him daily.


This can be through admiring God’s creation or the simple appreciation of the taste buds we have been given to taste food. We need to learn that we can worship both in the exciting, heart-pounding moments and in the mundane ones.


That doesn’t mean that singing a song is a bad thing, but worship should be so much more than that. It’s responding to God, listening to Him, and acting out the truths we see in the Bible – in everything we do.


If you have a unique way of worshiping God, share it with us in the comments.


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