If you need a safe place to turn to, you can reach a River Chaplain...
A chaplain is qualified, trained individual who carries out the same kind of care you may find in a church, but works for a private institution.
The River has multiple ordained chaplains available. If you reach out, you’ll talk to one of them. You can learn more about them below! They’re happy to listen, offer advice, pray with you… they’ll even check back if you want them to. Because we know relationship and consistency is one of the best gifts anyone can ever get.
Here's how to get in touch with a Chaplain...
You can send an email to chaplains@riverradio.com or call 614-289-5708. If you leave a message, let us know your name, your phone number and a good time to reach you.
Meet Our Chaplains
Incredible people with diverse backgrounds and experiences, all who love Jesus and want to pray for you…

My life is a crazy journey with highs and real lows, nothing I had planned as a youngster, some because of my own personal poor choices, some because of life's circumstances, but all because God had a different plan! I’m trying to embrace it everyday and thank God for where He has me.

In 2018, I felt the calling to become a Chaplain to help focus my passion for serving and to assist with spiritual, religious, and emotional needs. I am very excited to be part of this growing ministry serving our River listeners.