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When the Good Fight Doesn’t Feel Good

“You’re doing something wrong.”


Sometimes when life is rough, when you’re tired and simple things are hard – it’s the next subconscious thought. Something is wrong. My heart is wrong, I did something wrong, or at least I didn’t do something right – and now, this is hard.


At least, that’s where my mind often goes.

When the season I’m in feels rough, I usually feel like it’s my fault.

Like I failed or I missed it, and now this is a punishment.


But I had a small epiphany awhile back. And I kind of laughed at myself because I know better. I’ve known this all my life.


The truth is, we have an Enemy.

He’s a liar, a cheat, a coward, and he’s endlessly jealous.


And if you have chosen to seek God, he is dead set against you.


I’ve always known that. But I forgot.


Yes, we don’t get it all right. Yes, we make mistakes. We are short with our friends and our kids and our spouses. We hurt people and care too much about how we look and we sometimes do good things for the wrong reasons.


But when we choose Jesus, we are imperfect people following a perfect God.

And in our world that’s going wrong – that’s where we’re imperfectly, gloriously, slowly, painfully going right.


When you push into God, you get pushback.

Because that’s the last place the Enemy wants us to be.


The closer we get to Jesus, the more dangerous we become to the Liar.


So if you are pushing through a season that just feels. so. hard. – don’t give up.

Keep praying. Keep pushing.


Satan doesn’t fight the ones who’ve got it wrong.

He fights the ones who are on their way to making it right.


And he fights harder the closer you are to beating him.


His greatest desire was to be like God – could anything make him angrier or more afraid than a small human soul that is slowly becoming more like the God they serve?


I just want to remind you – your battle is already won.

The devil is a liar, after all.


You’re never a failure, because you have a God that promised to never fail you.


So when it’s hard, maybe it’s not that you’re getting it all wrong.

Maybe it’s because your good Father is proving the devil wrong in your life.


My dear friend sometimes texts me in the morning, when she knows something is heavy on me: “Let’s make the devil mad today.”


I’m praying that over you—that you would frustrate the Enemy because you so firmly believe the Truth.


You’re a fighter.


Fighters don’t get it all right.

But nobody thinks that a fighter is a good fighter because they never get hit.


They are a good fighter, because they keep fighting.


Keep up the good fight. ​

You’ve already been won.


Author Abigail

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