It can't be Done
You’re drinking your favorite soda or just trying to get your 8 glasses of water in, and all of a sudden, it’s empty. Funny thing is, you don’t recall it being empty beforehand. Now, that would be kind of strange, wouldn’t it? You obviously can’t drink from an empty cup.
I’m pretty forgetful with my ADHD, and always zooming around these days it seems. But I do love my favorite drinks. Currently, for the past couple months, it’s been a VERY large glass of ice water as my hyperfixation. I get bummed when I don’t have it. I take a giant jug with me everywhere.
I can’t be refreshed if there’s nothing in the glass. I can’t get hydrated if there’s no water. How is it that I go about my day thinking I can live without prayer? I can’t do any task or fun thing I have ahead of me if my “cup” is empty.
When I do things in my own strength, I risk exhaustion. If I do enjoyable things in life and forget about God Who gave it, I risk missing out on REAL joy. To fill our cup, or how we use our day and our energy, we must always run to God in prayer.
Did I mention I have ADHD? Yeah. And maybe you get this too, but it seems like the time I have set aside for even just a few minutes of prayer, is my mind’s playtime to goof off, or time to worry about everything. It’s a fight to pray, not just with my schedule, but also with my mind.
I’m so glad that God sees my ADHD, and He gets it. He helps us in our weakness. When our schedules are busy, He can help us find the pockets to pray even just mini prayers of gratefulness. When we’re exhausted or annoyed, He can help us pray when we really don’t want to.
Prayer isn’t essential because it’s saying “fancy” or “formal” words religiously. It’s about building your relationship with your God and Father. Tell your Heavenly Dad about your day. Tell Him about your struggles that plague and exhaust you. Thank Him that you finally got a chance to eat today amidst the chaos. Pray in the silence, when you don’t have the words to say. In all of that, He gets you. And He wants to talk to you.
Bring everything to God in prayer. Talk to Him, build that habit, and keep learning to love Him more, so you don’t have to drink out of an empty cup.
“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer” – Romans 12:12

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