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A Common Misconception


Opportunity“I think you are too shallow/preachy.” (ironically we’ve heard both).

What do you do when someone shares a strong opinion? You can choose to ignore it, be offended, or discouraged, and sometimes that’s the right response. Sometimes though, a complaint is an opportunity in disguise. Many times it serves as a way to take a hard look at everything you do, and sometimes it’s a chance to correct a misconception and share your mission.

When I receive one of these negative perceptions usually the person I’m talking to thinks everyone who listens to The River is just like them. In reality, there are over 200,000 people listening each week from every walk of life, and every stage in their Spiritual walk as well, the committed, casual and curious.

That does beg the question though, how do you serve people from all of these perspectives at the same time? Susan and Theresa shared a few ways:

“As people we tend to let our minds wander–more so now than ever before. Listening to The River whether at work or the car keeps me focused and reminds me throughout the day where my focus should be–on God and not on all this other stuff.” – Susan

“There are so many times the perfect song comes on at the perfect time. I’m so thankful that God works through you folks at the radio station; through the music and through the airwaves you touch hearts that may not otherwise hear of His precious love for all of us.” – Theresa

There are a few common misconceptions about what The River should or shouldn’t be doing, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. But more important than anything else, perhaps you, or someone you know needs to hear of His precious love for us. No matter where you are in your walk with God, you are welcome here.

– Dave

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Author Dave

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