You may have heard that favorite song of old, somewhere around the 2000’s. The pop song “Fireflies” by Owl City. It’s one of my favorite songs still to this day. You’ll find me jamming out to it often (if it fits the vibe, you gotta vibe, right?).
Summers are the prime “vacation” time for fireflies. It’s like they come from their little hibernation from winter and light up the summer nights with their twinkly selves. Needless to say, I really love fireflies. They fascinate me and have since I was a kid. So when summer rolls around, I want to see them all! It’s just a precious little thing to witness, so small and sweet. I like to call them “the stars of the ground” as they replicate the stars in the night sky in their own tiny little way.
There are so many sweet little pleasures that God lets us have in life, and I love that about Him! Ecclesiastes, though it’s hard to read at the beginning, talks about how God gives us life to enjoy. I love the little things, because that’s my favorite part about life.
Nothing, though, that’s little is insignificant to God. He numbers the hairs on your head (Luke 12:7), He catches your tears in His bottle and knows every one of them (Psalm 56:8), and cares about you so deeply. Our God is so holy and perfect, that we can’t be made righteous apart from Him. At the same time that He is sovereign and above all things, He is so near and dear in the closest and smallest things in life. We can talk to Him about anything.
Fireflies being a little thing, I was really wanting to see them a lot where I live. I saw a TON of them everywhere in my apartment complex but very few at my door. I saw them in other places I went around town as well. So I just had a moment, “Lord, it would be really cool and sweet if there were fireflies at my doorstep.” The next night, my doorstep which was lacking with lovely fireflies previously, was now ABUNDANTLY flooded with so many! It felt like the stars came down for a little dance among the trees near my front door. To say that I was smiling and in awe of God (and happier than a kid in a candy store) – that would be a massive understatement, friend. I found myself worshipping God over the fireflies. And He then also used them the next couple of days to teach me a couple lessons. I didn’t completely think God would do it, even though I asked God with small faith that He would. Could He care about something so tiny and seemingly insignificant?
Recently, I’ve been wondering how my prayer life could grow. I always grew up feeling like if I wasn’t wailing or begging God to even try to listen to me because He’s so holy, then I am not worthy to come before Him. I wonder, “Can I talk to Him conversationally? Would it be disrespectful if I did it like that?” And when I realize the realities of Who God is – both holy and so close and personal – it means that both realities of prayers can exist within balance. Except, not really the begging part. Yes, we should completely be very respectful when we talk to God, and be on our knees in humility. That’s one thing to do when praying. But additionally, we can pray to Him so personally because He is our Father. So telling Him, “Hey, God, that sunshine You made on that horizon is so beautiful. Oooo! Look at those pinks You made in that! Lord, I love it!”. That can exist at the same time as, “Jesus, You are immensely worthy of all honor and glory. Let my life be all Yours – surrendered and completely for You.”
Both are so so beautiful. Both are so so needed. Both allow you to talk to God your Father continually, and grow closer to Him personally. He wants you to grow closer to Him. He loves you so dearly. And yes. Even your “fireflies”. He definitely cares about those too.
I may jam out to my favorite nostalgic song by Owl City. But I know I will praise God for the tiny things in my life, and that He cares about me and them. That new song will be “Fireflies” by God. And I hope my life is only a continual praise for everything (big and small) He’s done and for all that He is.

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