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A Helpful Tip for Journaling

I LOVE the thought of journaling! I’ve purchased a crazy amount of journaling notebooks over the years – all seeming to beckon me to write out my thoughts and prayers, scriptures, obstacles, and of course the pains that make me cry out for God’s mercy.

I view a journal like a trusted sanctuary; a place to revisit to see growth in my walk with God, view prayers that have been answered and become aware of the ones that I am still praying for breakthrough in.


As nice as that all sounds…the God-honest truth is…I AM HORRIBLE at journaling.


I start off with a bang and get a few entries into the pages, and then realize I just don’t have time (or tenacity) to do it consistently. It can be overwhelming and make me feel like a failure; like I don’t have enough self-control to sit still long enough to write out my deepest thoughts and needs.



Two weeks ago, I purchased a $1 journal at the dollar store, and started something new: A “One-Word Journal” – and it takes less than 2 minutes a day! I simply quiet myself down at my desk before work and ask God to give me ONE WORD for the day – kind of a banner theme of something to be aware of, and then jot down the very first word that hits my heart & a thought or scripture that goes with it. That’s it!


The first few entries look this:


1. “Scatter” – Today I am going to be more aware of the types of seeds that I scatter with the words that I say to and about others.

2. “Beauty” – God gives me beauty for ashes. Today I’ll be aware of times where God took the burnt places of my life and gave beauty in place of that pain.

3. “Encourage” – David encouraged himself in the Lord – He didn’t have anyone else to do it for him when Saul was on his tail to kill him. So he encouraged himself and reminded himself of God’s faithfulness in many different situations.

4. “Strength” – He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29. Today, become more aware of points of weakness and don’t back away from them…ask God for His strength in those areas.


What a God-send this idea has been – a quiet moment to settle down at my desk before the work day begins, pray and ask God to share His heart for my life that day. Wow…so simple yet so powerful!


So if you’ve felt the same way, overwhelmed with trying to be more spiritual…don’t. Remember that ONE WORD from God can change your life forever!

I’m grateful for HIS idea to work with my weakness and inability to journal like everyone else…and His strength that enables me to listen for His ONE WORD.


Try it and let me know how it works for you! Remember YOU are LOVED!

The River

Author The River

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