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Table For One

Earlier this summer I chatted about the call to gather, using meal times as a way to further the kingdom and participate in discipleship.


Today, I want to talk about the call for solitude.


I believe there is so much heart wealth in gathering around a table, laughing with loved ones, conversing with newcomers and sharing life’s moments over a bite of homemade chili or Chinese takeout. Yet, there is still an undeniable power that arises during the still, in the quiet, and at the table for one.


Gathering is good for the heart. Solitude is good for the soul.


We know that we are called into times of solidarity as we read in scripture the example that Christ set for us.


Luke 5:16 Jesus often slipped away to be alone so he could pray.


We need to slip away a little more often. Not just to turn on a TV or scroll through social media but to have intentional time with the One who calls us to Him and calls us to be still.


Mark 6:31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”


If you have been missing your opportunities to be fed, both physically and spiritually here’s what I am encouraging you to do. Grab a notebook, your bible, that devotional, memoir, story etc. that you’ve been meaning to read and go to a seat-yourself café, coffee shop or dining room chair and sit at that table for one.


Then, eat, read, pray and write.


Eating helps your body feel content, reading enlightens your mind, praying fills your soul and writing lets you never forget.


You do not have to do this perfectly every time. There is no perfect equation. I just encourage you to find a quiet place, grab a muffin and a cup of coffee and engage with the Lord in the stillness. Whether through music, reading, writing, meditation etc. make that time for yourself and the Lord. Walk away knowing that He sustains your soul and that He is your bread of life.


You’ll be surprised at just what a bite to eat and some alone time can do for you.


Here are a few recommendations for places to visit for quiet time and a great treat:

Fox in the Snow – Italian Village, Columbus

Mission Coffee – Short North, Columbus

One Line Coffee – Short North, Columbus

The Roosevelt Coffeehouse – Downtown, Columbus

Starbucks – Various

Stauf’s – German Village, Columbus

The Book Loft (Visit Stauf’s to grab your treat first) – German Village, Columbus

Barnes and Noble – Various

Tim Hortons – Various

Panera – Various


And for those who feel called to the table in your own kitchen, living room or porch here are some quick and delicious muffin recipes to make sure you have a tasty treat as well:


10 Irresistible Muffin Recipes That Involve 4 Ingredients Or Less


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The River

Author The River

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