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Big Daddy Weave’s Heartbreaking News

The lead singer of Big Daddy Weave, Mike Weaver, told a heartbreaking story recently. His younger brother Jay, bassist and vocalist for the band, is suffering from a severe infection and had to have both feet amputated in an attempt to stop the disease from reaching the rest of his body.


The band has been on a roller coaster ride of emotion. As many of you who have watched as loved ones struggle in the hospital, you know that each day is filled with ups and downs. Some days have questions. Some days have answers. Some days have laughter. Many days have tears.


Undoubtedly people are wondering what on earth God is doing in all this. Mike shared his answer with The Christian Beat’s writer Herb Long:


“It doesn’t mean God doesn’t love Jason because he’s going through this. Jesus said in this life we will have trouble, and do not be afraid, because He has overcome the world. And there is something about the stuff that we go through in this life and this season that, once we step out of this season and into eternity, we no longer have that to respond to anymore…There’s no pain in Heaven, so we want to learn how to respond well to that stuff in this life, so we go through it with Jesus. And I’m so proud of my brother because he’s doing that right now.”


We ask that you take a moment today to pray for Jay, for his family, and for the members of Big Daddy Weave. And if you are someone who is struggling with an illness, or know someone who is, we pray that you take refuge in Jesus today. In paraphrasing from Revelation 21:4, take heart that Jesus will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Soon there will be no more death. No more crying. No pain. No weeping over the ones we love and the ones we have lost. Our eternity with Jesus means that all of that will pass away, and we will be at peace with the God who was there all along.


God is taking care of you, and he’s taking care of Jay.




If you’d like to give more than your thoughts and prayers, you can help alleviate the burden of Jay’s accruing medical expenses.



Author Anne

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Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Pam Johnston says:

    I am definitely lifting Jay the band and family’s up in prayers. Lord hear our prayers!

  • Tina Spencer says:

    What Satan tries to do to us can not prevail if we stick to God like glue. Allow God to turn this tradegy into his glory, his triumph. Nothing we endure compairs to what Christ has endured for us. When we serve him we leave ourselves open for Satan to try and steel our joy. Allow those around you to lift you up. This serves two purposes, it will do you a world of good and it will bring them closer to God. We will be praying that God will be with you Continuously and strengthen you as he brings you through the other side into the new you. In his service, tina

  • Cathy Gendron says:

    Praying for the miracle of God’s healing for Jay.

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