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It can sting – just the THOUGHT of it—vulnerability. Cracking the first layer to open up that wound of pain, insecurity, regret & shame. Sure, it’s easier to mask the pain with things that temporarily help us function, but WHAT IF we want more…a life where we don’t just survive, but come to life in the midst of the pain.

I wanted more. I was exhausted from acting like everything was ok so I decided it was time to look below the surface—I made the phone call to start counseling. I was terrified, knew it was expensive and didn’t know if it would “fix” me. The fear, anxiety and panic had set in and I was dreading what was about to happen. Of course the unknown is scary, but what’s more terrifying—staying in the familiar pain that keeps getting bigger or exploring a path where the pain is exposed and given a chance to start healing? Take it from me—go after the healing. Make the decision TODAY. God knows…God gets it…God is on the journey with you.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

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The River

Author The River

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