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Good Good Father

With the thousands of affirming adjectives used in the English language we often overlook the simplistic, quiet power of the word, “good.”

Artist and song writer, Pat Barrett seems to have captured the power that exists within the word as he declares:

You’re a Good, Good Father, it’s who you are, and I’m loved by you, it’s who I am.

All the sudden, “good,” emerges from the shadows and its intended power comes into light.

Good is the pure definition of our God, our Father. Rather, our heavenly Father is the purest definition of good. How beautiful is this?

We, a broken people, have a father who is and forever will be the very essence of good.

No matter what our circumstances, whether we are raising our hands high in worship or on our knees searching for peace, whether we have lifted our faces to Him or have backs turned, our Father is good and we are loved by Him.

When have you seen His goodness? Was there a moment when, no matter your circumstances or brokenness, when you realized you have a good Father and are loved by Him?

Whether your earthly father or heavenly father, as Father’s Day is just around the corner we’d love to hear your good father story. Please share in the comments below!

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Author Dave

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  • Jami Cox says:

    My good father story is with my heavenly father. Over the last couple of years I have became fearful of a lot of things in my life has taken many turns that I would have never imagined. For months on end I prayed for peace and it seemed as though that peace just was not coming. My dream has been to live by the ocean since I was a young girl. I have talked about it and planned for it but never had the opportunity to do it. Within the last few weeks God opened up doors for me to be able to make my dreams a reality. And as I approached the Atlantic Ocean God showed me just how awesome he is. Through my journey of traveling 1100 miles by myself through pouring down rain and mountainous Terrain he let me know that all I had to do was take his hand and he was guiding my every step. This journey has been a journey of trust and faith and his awesome goodness and who he really wants to be to all of us if we just trust him. I’ve overcome my fear of being alone and my fear of heights and bridges and all those those things seems so small but in my world they were huge. As I sat on the beach yesterday, as far as I could see to the left and to the right and out in front of me I saw his goodness and a peace that truly passes all understanding. Through this time he has given reconciliation in relationships and a deeper understanding of what true love really is. And for that I am eternally grateful.

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