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Laura-Patience-blogPatience – Schm-atience.


Ever wish God would just hurry up and get the party started?  You have things you want to do, places you want to go, people you want to see…but it seems like God is taking His sweet ole’ time and is making you wait for His answer again. What’s up with that?

I remember the very moment that God spoke to me loud and clear about how ON TIME He always is and how I could trust him implicitly, each and every time, with every need – even though I felt like He was the one missing the boat when it came to His “always delayed timing.”


On Sunday, March 20, 2005 my family was getting ready to lead the morning worship service.  It was a special day because it was also my daughter Hosanna’s 11th birthday and it fell on Palm Sunday that year –the VERY day in Bible history where the people in Jerusalem lined the city streets and waved palm branches welcoming Jesus into the city while yelling, “Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest, Hosanna to the King of Kings.” Hosanna literally means, “Salvation, Salvation has come, God Save us!”


Then we did the math…dating back 11 years…and shockingly discovered that Hosanna was BORN on Palm Sunday; she was not induced.

Now for the SUPER CRAZY part?  God had given me her name when I was 5 weeks pregnant…but I didn’t know I was pregnant.  I was taking a nap on the couch after work, and I remember waking from a sound sleep, sitting straight up while grasping my belly – and saying out loud, “God Bless Hosanna Joy in my Womb.”  It was at that very moment I called and made an appointment with my doctor to find out for sure.


You see…God named her Hosanna before I knew she even was – and He planned for her to be born on Palm Sunday, without telling me the secret for 11 years. He was showing me that no matter how much I can get all wrapped up in my worries and wondering if He even cares, or maybe unaware of what’s happening…I shouldn’t be, because His timing is perfect…Each and Every Time.


Micah 7:7 –  But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.


Remember…YOU are LOVED

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The River

Author The River

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  • Laura Chase ,You are so AWESOME! A true blessing and a joy to have in my life! When I need inspiration or just a little attitude boost in the right direction, You seem to be there in so many ways. I really enjoy listening to you laugh and talk on the radio even if it’s just reading the news, your voice is so calming and assuring, we’ve spoken of this before. ” The Voice” I’m really glad you started a blog, Now I can have devotions with you and get a daily inspiring dose of goodness and love. I miss seeing you on a regular basis but when I do, Yea! Luv ya Pretty Lady!

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