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Spread the Love | Random Acts of Kindness Week 2016


random-acts-of-kindness-weekThis is the perfect time of year to share love with those you care about, and even people you don’t even know. Random Acts of Kindness Week gives you an opportunity to change lives and show people how much you care about with something much more meaningful than chocolates and flowers. Join us in passing on kindness February 14-20.


#RAKWeek2016 is the perfect opportunity to show the people in your life and your city some love.

Here are just a few simple ways you can Love Columbus during RAK Week:


  1. Leave an encouraging “love note” in a library book to brighten a stranger’s day.
  2. Visit your favorite Columbus establishment, tip generously, and write some kinds words on your receipt.
  3. Take time to let each of your family members know just how much you love them.
  4. Find a cause that you’re passionate about and make a donation. Take it one step further and become a volunteer!
  5. Reach out to an old friend to catch up over dinner, your treat!
  6. Leave encouraging post-it notes all over your home or office to make family members and co-workers smile.
  7. Buy coffee for a coworker and take 5 minutes to REALLY ask how they’re doing
  8. Write an encouraging phrase in dry erase marker on your bathroom mirror—you deserve some kindness, too!


Check Out Even More Ideas Here


We’d love to see how you’re spreading love and kindness, or how kindness has been shared with you, when you use #LoveCbus on social media.  Now get out there and spread the love!

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Author Anne

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