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You Are So Loved!

Are we trying to fix something that isn’t broken?


Do you think that we will EVER become happy or content with our bodies or looks?  I think the majority of women have one or two things (or several)  that they wish were different about their bodies; smaller hips, bigger rear, thicker/longer hair, plumper lips, longer legs, and the list goes on and on.  I truly wonder if we’ll ever be happy or content with the way we look.


Have you heard about the new cosmetic surgery option called, “Limb Lengthening”? It’s where people are not happy with their height, so they have a doctor break their legs so they can grow.


When I read the story, my first response was quite judgy as I thought, “how ridiculous! Going through all that pain and expense to just to grow a few inches.  Why can’t they just be happy and not let other’s opinions or judgments matter?”  And then it started to dawn on me – what about all of the different ways we try to fix ourselves up to appear more presentable to others; hair color, makeup, piercings, liposuction, perfumes, tattoos, wrinkle creams, braces, contacts, etc.   Although our “fixes” may not be as advanced or invasive as Limb Lengthening – isn’t it pretty much the same premise – to feel and/or look better?  If a lack of height was MY issue…wouldn’t I also consider or look for ways to change or amend it (high heels, surgery, etc)?


When it comes down to it, the question begs to be answered, “will this type of surgery (or cosmetic, haircut, weight loss, etc) “heal” the insecurity or pain that has settled deep inside of one’s soul?

Sure it may help you look better and appear more confident on the outside, but in the end, can really it heal hurts that have come through other’s cruel words or our own damaging thoughts?  Hmmmm.

I have no pat answers to throw out on this, except that when we feel insecure, embarrassed or “less than” because of a perceived limitation…that we can always find our foundation of belonging and acceptance when we turn to and seek our Heavenly Father.  He is the one who made us and loves us 100% of the time, and only He can calm our fears and strengthen our hearts – whether we have surgery, color our hair or wear Spanx.


I’d love to hear your thoughts!  Feel free to leave a comment below!

Remember, You are SO Loved!

The River

Author The River

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  • Jill says:

    Thank you Laura for the sweet reminder that our Father looks at the heart. When I fall in this trap (weight; and it happens way too often) I remind myself to examine the nutrition I give to my heart…His Word. Because when I focus too much attention on my weight the focus is on myself and I’ve taken it away from God. Grrrrr but God is good and He patiently awaits. 🙂 thx again for your heart and your blog.

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