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5 Must-Have Healthy Summer Grocery Items

Let’s make healthier decisions this summer.


I know summer isn’t quite here, but it’s just around the corner folks. Schools are letting out, and with that comes pool days and endless hours of the kiddos looking for something to do and something to eat.

I’m not yet a parent. But after nannying for two years (5 days a week, 8 hours a day), I sure do know the effect of munching on the unhealthy snacks often bought for the kiddos and all too often consumed by the parents (ahem, nanny).

So to keep the little ones fed and happy, and the supervisors fit and healthy, let’s replace those unhealthy snacks with some healthy summer treats.

Here is a list of five must-have healthy summer grocery items that everyone can enjoy!

  1. Large Tupperware of fruit

Pick your favorite fruits and toss them all together in a sealed Tupperware on Sunday or Monday. Seriously, this saved my life as a nanny. Whenever the kiddos or I were hungry, it was a quick and simple snack to go to that lasted the entire week! This was hands down my favorite treat.


  1. Yogurt

Maybe instead of reaching for ice cream on those hot summer days, reach for this healthier (& still sweet) cool treat. See our “Sweet Swaps” blog for tips on jazzing up your yogurt experience.


  1. 100% fruit popsicles

You won’t be able to escape the sticky fingers, but you can escape the sugar overload. Rather than buying popsicles filled with unnatural & artificial sweeteners, try going for the good stuff…the real stuff. If you’re less crafty, like me, look for brands like Outshine and some Welch’s products. If you’re up for the (actually pretty simple) task of going homemade, here are some great options to try this summer!


  1. Ziploc bags of carrots

Seriously, these guys are pool perfection. Whether it’s just you or the whole kiddo crew, these are great to munch on when you need a simple treat to snack on while poolside. No crumbs, no ants, they keep you feeling fine in that bathing suit, and I’ve never had much of a protest over a carrot with the little guys.


  1. Prepackaged mini pretzels

Every thirty minutes, I go between craving something sweet and needing a little taste of that salty salt. Rather than reaching for a bag of greasy potato chips that I can chow down on in .05 seconds, I try to keep little bags of pretzels on hand. Pretzels are a much healthier, lower calorie snack than most prepackaged chips. I highly recommend buying the mini individual bags (portion control, people!) OR buying the big bag and dividing up the pretzels into sandwich-sized Ziploc bags at the beginning of the week.


Alright ladies and gents, take the leap with me. Let’s feel better this summer and keep ourselves and the kiddos healthy, refreshed, and energized by simply making healthy summer snack choices throughout the week.

Parents (and nannies): we got this.

The River

Author The River

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