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Own It So You Can OWN It!

Over the past couple of years teaching personal finance classes, I see the biggest enrollment is at the beginning of the year. I think it may be because people get their credit card bill in January from December and think to themselves “I spent HOW MUCH on Christmas?!!?”

They have no idea because they didn’t plan; they didn’t tell their money where to go BEFORE they had it. They just went crazy because “…it’s Christmas, after all, so I have to buy for…”

So they whip out the credit card and charge Christmas. They didn’t buy a single thing – they borrowed, and now it’s time to pay the piper for the Hatchimals Egg…or eggs. So now there’s $500, $1,000, or more in the budget that needs paid, and they have no idea where it’s going to come from.


Sound familiar?


It’s time we take responsibility for our actions. Your money is your responsibility. How you spend it is your responsibility. It’s not the bank’s responsibility to keep you from overdrafting – it’s YOURS.


Want more money? First, use what you have better. Do you know what you spend your money on? Do you do a budget and tell your money where to go BEFORE you earn it?

If it sounds like I’m yelling at you… I kinda am!


  1. I want great things for you.
  2. I’ve been in this situation myself and I know how it feels.
  3. It doesn’t have to be that way.


Money works its way into every aspect of life, so it’s is a pretty important thing.

Jesus talked about money All. The. Time.

The thing is – YOU have to decide to do something about it.


If you’re having that “I spent HOW MUCH???” moment I described above, I want to encourage you to take the chance and do something about it.

Where do you start?


The journey for my wife Julie and I started 10 years ago when we took a Financial Peace University class taught by Dave Ramsey. It literally has changed our family tree – and yeah, that’s the impact being a good steward of your money can have.

If you’re interested in joining me and taking Financial Peace University, THIS LINK will take you directly to the signup for the class I’ll be leading beginning February 7th. FPU may not be your thing but find something and start. I’d be glad to share our story with you or you can let me know what you think by connecting with me!

 -Greg Murray
The River

Author The River

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