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Silky Sugar Leg Scrub

It’s pool season, y’all. People probably aren’t looking that closely at your legs when you’re swimming around (hopefully), but there’s always something nice about having silky smooth legs during the summer, which is why I’m sharing a great sugar leg scrub recipe. Now, don’t get me wrong – we shouldn’t be the kind of people who find our sole security in stuff like that. I just believe it can be a nice way for us ladies to treat ourselves on occasion, and for me, it’s a great reminder to slow down. It reminds me to take some time and just sit, be thankful for what I have, enjoy those silky legs, and breathe… before I realize I’ve burned cookies in the oven or that my dog accidentally peed on the carpet 😉


Here’s a sugar leg scrub recipe that’s so easy to make, you might actually think it’s a joke. Trust me, it’s not. It’s one of the best kept secrets that you’ll want to share after you try it, and it’s so cheap you can make it again…and again…and again.


Homemade Sugar Leg Scrub Recipe


Mix together 1/2 cup sugar and 1/4 cup olive oil. [Add some essential oils if you want. My new favorite essential oil mixture for both scent and health benefits is lavender and sage. Lavender is really soothing, and sage is known to have antimicrobial effects, which I love, considering I may have some cuts or scrapes on my legs.] After you mix everything together, you’re finished with your sugar leg scrub!

To get the best effect, apply the mixture to your legs and gently exfoliate. Take your hands and rinse off part of the sugar from your legs. Shave your legs, rinse, and voila! The sugar exfoliates all the dead skin while the oil moisturizes your legs. If you want to really make them smooth, apply a shea butter or coconut oil mixture afterward. [Also, just a friendly tip from an essential oil user, tea tree oil is the BEST for any irritation after you shave. I dilute a couple drops of tea tree oil (melaleuca) with some sweet almond oil. Works like magic.]


Some people think that because our legs are so much more oily during the summer, or because we apply more lotion, that there isn’t much reason to exfoliate. In fact, it’s good to exfoliate about once a week / once every other week during the summer months to keep your skin rejuvenated. You may not keep up with this routine now, but after you try this scrub, you may change your mind!


Comment below with your favorite essential oil blends, homemade recipes, or your experience using this scrub.


Author Anne

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