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Do you want to be let in on a little secret? When The River says “You make this ministry happen,” that is the whole truth!

The River is a listener and business supported station, and your River Radio Fam needs your help RIGHT NOW! God is using The River to expand His Kingdom through rapid growth and unfortunately, The River fell short significantly of needed funds during the August Sharathon.

Your River Fam is SOO excited about new opportunities to grow across Ohio, BUT ministry takes funds. We are doing our absolute best to be good stewards of what God provides through generous partners just like you, but with greater opporuntiy than ever before, the need is also greater than ever before.

In order to head into the end of year strong, and begin to close the funding gap, The River is having a special two-day bridge fundraiser on Oct. 29th and 30th. And you are invited to get involved!

Would you join us in prayer for a successful event, and consider what it would look like for you to get involved? Want to get involved now? You don’t have to wait until the fundraiser starts! You can give a pre-event gift and encourage others to get involved.

The River

Author The River

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