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5 Tips For Meal Prep

Taking a couple hours out of your week to prep your food might seem daunting or exhausting, but it’s crucial to any healthy lifestyle. I started to gain weight on my healthy lifestyle journey because of my lack of planning and eating. I ate whatever was fast and convenient for me.


Having your meals ready to go and nearby keeps you from running to a fast food restaurant when you’re starving at lunch or after work and can even help with saving some cash. Meal prep also helps with your metabolism. You’ll be prepared when you hear your stomach rumbling, and you can nourish it with all the proper nutrients.


If you need some inspiration for meal prepping, here are 5 tips to help you:

1. Plan, Plan, Plan! This helps to reduce waste and give you a diverse menu. Create boards on Pinterest that are specific to lunch, dinner, etc. to help you stay organized.
2. Before you head to the store, make a list, and stick to it! Don’t get distracted by those discount chips in the aisle.
3. Cook in large quantities so you can refrigerate or freeze leftovers that you can reheat during the week.
4. Keep tons of tupperware and ziplock bags on hand. Go ahead and divide up lunch portions into your containers. When your lunch is ready to go for the next day, you’re more likely to grab it in the morning.
5. Set aside time every week to cook and cut up your fruits and veggies. It will save you time during the week.


When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle I like to keep this quote from Benjamin Franklin in mind, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”


What are your go-to methods when it comes to meal prepping? Please share them in the comments below.

– Olivia



Author Olivia

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